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The importance of fat

Fats are an essential macro-nutrient for health and energy. Here we help you understand its role, and fat types you should be focusing on in your diet.⁣

The role of fat

Fat is the body's main energy source for low-intensity activity.

Fat helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E & K) and supports the building and maintenance of cells.

Fat is the most energy dense nutrient providing 9 kcal (calories) per gram - which can help support the higher energy needs.

However, not all fat sources are created equal.

The different fat types

Unsaturated fats include:

1) monounsaturated and

2) polyunsaturated (e.g. omega 3) fats should be prioritised, as they may support cognitive function, heart health, and muscle recovery.

Saturated fats can raise cholesterol and should be reduced or replaced with unsaturated fats.

Trans fats should be avoided, as they can increase harmful LDL cholesterol build-up and inflammation.

Fat sources

We have grouped different fat sources in the images below. Understand how you can fuel your day with mono, poly, trans and saturated fats.

Fat sources - performance nutrition

INTRA Performance Group is a global consultancy with a rich heritage of providing performance nutrition services within elite sport, entertainment and business - maintaining a portfolio of Europe's top performers and organisations.

INTRA Performance Group is the leading organisation in elite football nutrition. We have worked with more than 30 different nationalities across elite football, with significant Champions League and World Cup experience, through to Championship and Division 1.

To have a remote consultation with INTRA Performance Group, and learn more about personalised performance nutrition for elite football, please get in touch with us at

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