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How heavy training impacts your immune function

In continuation of our immune system series, one key factor affecting the immune system is heavy exercise.⁣

Whilst moderate exercise may improve function, hard, prolonged training, or increased match volume, is one of the main factors which may depress immune function.⁣


Hard training depresses white blood cell function, increasing the risk of infection from invading viruses and bacteria.⁣

Footballers are more vulnerable during this ‘open window’ due to a range of factors, such as stress, travel and even weather changes.⁣

To minimise this open window to infection, it is important to have adequate recovery time between sessions and matches (where possible), and to ensure that pre- and post-training nutrition is aligned with these demands (alongside other key principles such as sufficient sleep, good hygiene, etc.).⁣

Image: Champions League

About us

INTRA Performance Group is a global consultancy with a rich heritage of providing performance nutrition services within elite sport, entertainment and business - maintaining a portfolio of Europe's top performers and organisations.

INTRA Performance Group is the leading organisation in elite football nutrition. We have worked with more than 30 different nationalities across elite football, with significant Champions League and World Cup experience, through to Championship and Division 1.

To have a remote consultation with INTRA Performance Group, and learn more about personalised performance nutrition for elite football, please get in touch with us at


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