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World Water Day

Today we’re celebrating United Nations World Water Day! Planetary health is a key foundation of the work we do at INTRA. From farm to table, water is at the heart of every aspect of the food we eat and is crucial to make sustainable food systems. Water is a finite resource having to serve exponentially more people and usages.

Today, about one out of six people on the planet face severe water shortages or scarcity in agriculture.

This world water day we must #ValueWater to ensure we, and our future generations live in a water-secure world.

We love these infographics from the United Nations in honour of World Water Day.

With some further areas to think about:


INTRA Performance Group is a global consultancy with a rich heritage of providing performance nutrition services within elite sport, entertainment and business - maintaining a portfolio of Europe's top performers and organisations.

INTRA Performance Group is the leading organisation in elite football nutrition. We have worked with more than 30 different nationalities across elite football, with significant Champions League and World Cup experience, through to Championship and Division 1.

To have a remote consultation with INTRA Performance Group, and learn more about personalised performance nutrition for elite football, please get in touch with us at


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